
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

LifE is bEauTiful

if wE aRe gRateful aNd undErstaNd wHat tHe woRd of

lifE, liFe is haPpineSs,,,,

lifE is lOvE,,,,

lifE is waRmTh,,,,

lifE is a veRy bEautiFul giFt of gOd givEn to uS, taKe adVantage of tHis liFe as wEll as poSsiblE.
HaPpineSs, sadnEss comEs coMpleTe tHis lifE chose sOmetHing uSeful FOr ouRselvEs aNd oUr suRrouNdinGs

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                   ThE VoiCe Of HeaRt

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(¯`·.¸❤¸❤ ¸.·´¯)✿❤¸❤❤❤❤



wherever you are I'll always be there, all the memories between us will I be remembered, for the last time I just wanted to thank you for giving something beautiful in my life.,,,..♥


YOu ComE to Me

You came to me when i was so lost,,, so lonley,

You give me some happiness,,,

You filled my heart with love,,,

Now all i want is to be with you,,,

You are my true love, you are my breath,,,,

You are my destiny,,,,

Now all i want is to be with you forever...♥♥♥


Sunday, November 14, 2010

esperó y esperó hasta que por fin he encontrado la luz brillante